The great commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was to go and preach the gospel as well as make disciples. We are motivated to share the Good News primarily because our Lord commanded to do. Evangelism is the presenting of Jesus Christ, so that men will accept Him as their Savior from the guilt and power of sin, and declare Him Lord as they seek to follow Him in their daily lives. Our aim is help people to lead a victorious life in every walks of their life. The heart of the Great Commission in Matthew 28: 18-20.
We have an Evangelism department to train, equip and send people to different labor camps and other needy places. Our motive is to find the addicted and depressed people becuase of their problems in work place and family problem and help them to overcome from their depressions and problems. Please pray and join us for this great task to lead people to the truth and life.